Monday, February 28, 2011


So, I'm blogging now.  Facebook, Twitter, Myspace (eww), sonicbids, foursquare, LastFM, bandcamp.  What else is there?  Too much.

Although this blog is titled The Get Down Automatic (I'm already thinking that was a bad idea), it'll will be a little bit different from other band blogs.  I'm not here to promote anything.  I'm not here to talk about how cool my music is or how awesome the show was last night, or post promotions on merchandise.  I want to get a little more intimate.

The mission: write about the trials and tribulations of becoming an established band. 

I worded that pretty carefully.  I don't know where or how far this band will go and I don't know exactly how this will work.  I think it's mostly a place I can vent frustrations and expand on ideas without bugging my fiancee too much.  I really want to document what it takes to make and promote music in this era.

Since this is my first entry, I'll give a little background about where I am.  I've been playing guitar and piano for 17 years, and I never wanted to start a band.  I just wanted to write music for myself.  Seriously.  I was peer pressured into a less than mediocre group in college and that started an addiction I haven't been able to kick for 7 odd years.  I'm now 27 and this is my 4th band.  Every single one was amazing and would have eventually let to arena shows and pictures in front of our own private jet a la Led Zeppelin.  It would have happened.

My current band has been playing shows around San Diego for a few months.  We've released a EP that we're giving away and I'm currently trying to fill up our schedule for March and April.  I'm on a mission to become a bar rat at the Casbah and my goal is to play 12 shows by the end of the year.  It doesn't sound like much, but that's a lot for a new band.  I think.

Anyway, it's late and while this is probably a horribly written first entry, I'll have to leave it at that.  To everyone who is not reading this, goodnight.  Goodnight Kevin Bacon and goodnight Allie.